All stories by SHYAM G MENON

It's Raining Bharat Ratnas!

It's Raining Bharat Ratnas!

Rediff.com14 Feb 2024

In the 76 years since India gained independence, 53 recipients of the Bharat Ratna have been there. That's less than one every year, which is a healthy ratio given there is the sanctity of this gem of an award to preserve. But four recipients for the year were announced in a few days in addition to one announced earlier. That took the total number in 2024 to five in less than a month, the highest for any year, post-Independence, notes Shyam G Menon.

The Fears Of The Only Voice

The Fears Of The Only Voice

Rediff.com9 Feb 2024

The prime minister's insistence that his voice cannot be suppressed left me both puzzled and amused. He has at his call, the government's official news dissemination/publicity channels, the pliant newspapers and television channels that were eager to prostrate themselves before a powerful government and yet, the dominant voice thinks it is in competition with other voices! exclaims Shyam G Menon.

Time Running Out For INDIA Alliance

Time Running Out For INDIA Alliance

Rediff.com7 Feb 2024

Every passing day featuring parties within the INDIA alliance sniping at each other at state level is bad publicity for the alliance particularly given the proximity of the 2024 general elections, asserts Shyam G Menon.

Does A Democracy Need A Sengol?

Does A Democracy Need A Sengol?

Rediff.com2 Feb 2024

The sengol must revert to where it belongs -- behind a glass case and not figure in ceremonies concerning India's democracy, argues Shyam G Menon.

When Some Speak For All

When Some Speak For All

Rediff.com19 Jan 2024

...close to the 2024 general election. The BJP calling the Congress 'seasonal Hindu' is as laughable as the saffron party sparing itself the title of 'seasonal extreme Hindu.'

How else should one describe its election campaigns of the past years?
It was typically obsessive religion and personality cult with economic development for fig leaf, asserts Shyam G Menon.

Can Mahua Moitra Fight A 30 Year Battle With BJP?

Can Mahua Moitra Fight A 30 Year Battle With BJP?

Rediff.com3 Jan 2024

For that to happen, Moitra's much followed speeches should be heard outside Parliament so that the PR spins of the ruling dispensation are countered with informed debate, argues Shyam G Menon.

Only A Security Breach?

Only A Security Breach?

Rediff.com18 Dec 2023

Amidst the investigation into the security breach in Parliament -- which I emphasise, should be done -- let us not forget the grievances raised (this is, of course, assuming the protestors were there to put the spotlight on said grievances and not for any other purpose). For questionable laws, unemployment, Manipur, authoritarianism; all these are contemporary worries among sections of the public, points Shyam G Menon.

Modi-BJP Gives Two Hoots For...

Modi-BJP Gives Two Hoots For...

Rediff.com9 Dec 2023

A democracy is one, only if it has a robust Opposition. And as its actions show, the Modi-BJP combine gives two hoots for that. So, the Opposition must learn to convince people why the BJP must go. Else, it can count down to 2029, points out Shyam G Menon.

Of Modi And His Priorities

Of Modi And His Priorities

Rediff.com21 Nov 2023

It isn't that a person occupying high office has no right to do what he/she likes. For sure, they do; after all, they are human. But there are also things like priority, timing and sense of larger country. Sadly, we live in a world awash in tunnel vision, asserts Shyam G Menon.

Will Chandrayaan's Success Make Science More Robust In India?

Will Chandrayaan's Success Make Science More Robust In India?

Rediff.com9 Sep 2023

'Perhaps the government should explain how the same scientific temper, which authored a precise landing for Chandrayaan-3, finds the periodic table and the theory of evolution not good enough for inclusion in the educational curriculum,' asserts Shyam G Menon.

Is It All About Modi's Guarantee?

Is It All About Modi's Guarantee?

Rediff.com23 Aug 2023

August 15, 2023 became for me, an extraordinary Independence Day. I will remember it as the day the country's largest political party -- one that struts around like a colossus and tutors us in apt behaviour -- suddenly looked bankrupt in terms of ideas and had to take out a personal guarantee from the prime minister to underscore its capacity to deliver our future, observes Shyam G Menon.

Is Faith Above Science?

Is Faith Above Science?

Rediff.com9 Aug 2023

Against the backdrop of Kerala's appetite for commonsense, it was assumed that this controversy would pass. Respect for rationalism and scientific outlook is strong in the state despite political forces gnawing at it for their own goals, observes Shyam G Menon.

The Curious Case Of The Conspirative Mic

The Curious Case Of The Conspirative Mic

Rediff.com8 Aug 2023

If a 15 seconds-long mic problem merits a case being registered, then the police risk an avalanche of complaints of similar and greater gravity, seeking their intervention, notes Shyam G Menon.

Would Manipur Violence Have Continued If...

Would Manipur Violence Have Continued If...

Rediff.com28 Jul 2023

...the BJP's template of operation was different or if the Centre and the state were ruled by dissimilar parties? asks Shyam G Menon.

Indians Star In World's Toughest Race

Indians Star In World's Toughest Race

Rediff.com13 Jul 2023

Race Across America -- which spans a little over 3,000 miles, from the west coast of the US to its east -- is often called the toughest race in the world. Indian cyclists are now returning multiple finishes at RAAM including podium positions within age categories, discovers Shyam G Menon.

Smoke Spiraling From Manipur Not Visible In Delhi?

Smoke Spiraling From Manipur Not Visible In Delhi?

Rediff.com11 Jul 2023

There is the problem of regions in the North East being theatre for power-play by nations with borders and influences converging in those parts, which in turn requires a sizable presence of the armed forces, notes Shyam G Menon.

Every Ruling Party Like Its Writ To Run

Every Ruling Party Like Its Writ To Run

Rediff.com24 Jun 2023

Despite their opposition based on ideology, both the political Right and the political Left possess similar behaviour, observes Shyam G Menon.

Preparation For Biparjoy Paid Dividends

Preparation For Biparjoy Paid Dividends

Rediff.com17 Jun 2023

No lives were lost after cyclone Biparjoy made landfall. Preparations for Biparjoy were not only extensive, they were also telecast far and wide. Ahead of the cyclone's landfall, Shyam G Menon observes there was considerable publicity on how much the government was geared up to face the storm and its aftermath.

Why Did This Kerala Story Become A Huge Hit?

Why Did This Kerala Story Become A Huge Hit?

Rediff.com12 Jun 2023

'Cinema or the sentiment of a people, disgusted by contemporary politics and wanting to feel whole by collectively recalling a moment of great difficulty that was also a cause for togetherness?', asks Shyam G Menon.

The Elephant Who's A TV & SM Star

The Elephant Who's A TV & SM Star

Rediff.com8 Jun 2023

As media phenomenon, Arikomban is in a different league. Efforts to capture the elephant were telecast live. Local three-wheeler drivers started a fans association for the pachyderm. A film has now been announced based on Arikomban's life.

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